KNOCK IT THE CLUCK OFF! New Save The Chickens Shirt!

KNOCK IT THE CLUCK OFF! New Save The Chickens Shirt!

What the heck is going on with the price of eggs? Isn't it weird that they blame the bird flu on the rise in egg prices and yet chicken prices haven't spiked?
If there are less chickens because of the so called bird flu, why aren't chicken prices rising?
Well, what do we know, we're just a t-shirt store. What we do know is that the bird flu hasn't stopped us from making awesome t-shirts and our newest t-shirt is so awesome we wanted to share it in our blog!!
Available now for a limited time..... 
Free Shipping of course - Always free at
Our chicken looks pissed doesn't he? We love our FubarShirts chicken!
Get yours! Do your part to SAVE THE CHICKENS!
We'll ship it today! Free!

Knock it The Cluck Off t-shirt. Funny Save The Chickens shirt. Red Tee. - Free Shipping.

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